
Mid-Prairie High School students will see a longer school day next year. Principal Jay Strickland recommended starting the school day 15 minutes earlier and removing late starts on Mondays. Strickland says with the additional time they’ll be able to add a block for WIN time. WIN stands for “what I need.” Strickland explains how students can utilize this time, “Essentially, it’s a 30 minute block of time, primarily for interventions, reteaching, reassessment, and then some small group work activities for students. So they can actually request a teacher and sign up to work with a teacher during that 30 minutes. Then teachers can also request students during that time as well.” WIN time was in place at Mid-Prairie for two years before it was removed prior to the 2018/2019 school year. Starting in the fall, school will start at 8:15 a.m., and blocks will remain 80 minutes each.