The City of Kalona is one step closer to raising sewer and water rates. Monday the city council passed the first reading of a flat fee increase for sewer and water billing. The flat fee for sewer will rise 37 cents to $12.47 a month, and water will increase 34 cents to $11.64 a month. Residents will see a total jump of 71 cents per month, and $8.52 per year.
City Administrator Ryan Schlabaugh thinks that now is a good time to make the jump, “This is probably more just a standard 3% [increase] to marry up with our expenses that continue to go up just through normal cost of business. We did not do anything last year with the belief that we were going through the garbage transition, and we didn’t feel it was appropriate at that time that we did an increase on water and sewer.”
Mayor Ken Herrington added that he’s fielded questions from residents about the potential increase, but hasn’t received any negative comments. Kalona must pass two more readings before customers will see any changes. Schlabaugh says he hopes to have the new rates in place at the turn of the new fiscal year in July.