
The Washington County Conservation Board will vote on a resolution to increase holiday rental fees for the Conservation Education Center. WCCB Director Zach Rozmus presented to the board last month when they rent the Education Center on holidays, they actually lose “quite a bit” of money. The current rental fee is $175 a day, which is about what typically it costs to staff the center. However, Rozmus informed the board that on holidays employees receive two and a half times their typical wage, which turns the rental into a financial loss. Last month the board agreed to close the center for rentals on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day.

Rozmus added that there are certain holidays like Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day where they can not close. For those holidays he recommended to increase the rate to line up with the added expenses. Since then, Rozmus has been working with Washington County Attorney John Gish to craft a resolution that will be voted on at Thursday’s meeting. Also on the agenda is a discussion about the WCCB’s involvement in discussions about the annexation of Shiloh. There will also be an update on the construction of a Kewash trailhead on Kirkwood’s campus.