With summer just a few weeks away, boating season is almost here. Lake Darling allows motorized boats with no restriction on engine size. Park Ranger Zach Haworth says there is some work to do before heading to the water, “I like to remind folks to take that time and inspect your equipment. Whether it be your lifejackets, if they’re getting sun faded, or they could have received damage over the winter, make sure they’re in good working order. Make sure you have the appropriate sizing for those life jackets on board. It’s always good to have what’s called a type-four throwable. That would be your square cushion with a handle on it, that’s also a good piece of equipment to have.”
The United States Coast Guard reported in 2017, 84% of people who drowned while boating were not wearing a life jacket. Haworth recommends boat owners to educate themselves on their boat and what other safety regulations are required. Boats with a motor of 10 horsepower or higher also require a working fire extinguisher onboard.