Do not leave pets in parked cars. On an 85-degree day, the interior temperature of a vehicle can climb to over 100 degrees in 10 minutes. Leaving a dog in those conditions can be deadly. PAWS and More Director Amber Talbot says there are two options if you see a dog left in a parked car, “I think the best thing to do is to notify the store manager and see if over the intercom anybody, if they are willing to announce the vehicle make and model to try to locate that owner. And if that is not possible then I think that the non-emergency number to local law enforcement center would be your best next option, so that law enforcement can get there quickly to open up the vehicle. Sometimes it takes a while to locate owners through stores and parking lots, and not all management has that intercom system or capability to do that. So if, you know, more than five minutes goes by then I think you should definitely notify your local non-emergency number for law enforcement, and I think an officer would respond pretty quickly.” Washington County’s non-emergency number is 319-653-2107.
Talbot explains that dogs cool themselves by panting and their systems can become overwhelmed when left in an environment with only hot air. Even leaving the windows cracked isn’t enough to keep them cool. She says the best thing to do when you’re running errands is to leave your pet at home in a safe environment.