The Washington County Conservation Board is restructuring the Marr Park Education Center hours to better accommodate the center coordinator.
Currently, the Education Center is open Thursday through Monday and closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. This requires the coordinator to typically work every Saturday and Sunday. Since the resignation of the previous center coordinator last fall, the WCCB has been working to alleviate some of the scheduling burdens of the position to keep quality employees.
Randi Jenkins was hired as center coordinator at the end of last year. WCCB Director Zach Rozmus says he hopes to avoid losing another good employee, “I’ve been really trying to have an open dialogue with Randi because for one, I really appreciate her being here. I think she does a really good job, and that’s a big part of it. I want to keep her around. I also want to manipulate it in a way that fits what we need from a public perspective.”
Rozmus and the WCCB has already agreed to close the center during certain county holidays, as well as adding a part-time staff to help with weekend duties. Rozmus proposed to the board to shift the center hours to being open Tuesday through Saturday so the coordinator can be off Sunday and Monday. At the recent WCCB meeting, Jenkins presented the center’s attendance numbers from the last several years and there was a substantial drop off in attendance from Saturday to Sunday during the summer. The board supported Rozmus’ plan and voted to give him full control of the center hours moving.
Rozmus says he and Jenkins are currently working out a plan to transition the changes.