The outdoor shelter at Lake Darling State Park was overtaken by wood shavings Friday.
Rob Wallace of Ames made the trip to Brighton to pass along some of the knowledge he’s obtained in his more than 30 years of woodturning. Wallace made several wooden bowls in addition to answering questions from passers-by ranging from what tools are required to start off, to passing along advice for selling art in the area. Wallace says he’s been woodworking since he was in junior high, but he found his passion for woodturning specifically after he had his first child, “My shop was in the basement, directly under the baby’s room. So, at the end of the day after working at the university if I wanted to go home and do something, I couldn’t run the router, I couldn’t run the drill press, I couldn’t run the plainer, I couldn’t run the sander, but I could run a lathe, very quietly, to the wee hours in the morning, I realized at that point that I was hooked.” The demonstration was part of The 20 Artists, 20 Parks program presented by the Iowa DNR to celebrate the 100-year-mark of state parks in Iowa.