
Representation for the City of Kalona, the Shiloh Church and Marilyn Farms were present for a work session about annexation.

For more than four months, discussions pertaining to Kalona voluntarily annexing more the 200 acres of Shiloh’s property have been active as the church is looking to condense. Of the nearly 220 acres on the table, Marilyn Farms owns seven acres. Discussions included what resources on the property the public may be able to use like the amphitheater, eternal trail system, and the 90,000 square foot building that has business offices, apartments, a chapel, restrooms, and commercial grade kitchens. During the work session, Kalona City Administrator Ryan Schlabaugh also gave an update on talks with RDG Planning and Design. They could have the updated mapping available as soon as the week of August 12th. At this time, the three entities were in agreement to keep progressing forward.

Schlabaugh mentioned that they could start seeing formal documentation being started as soon as next week, “I did meet with [City Attorney] Bill Sueppel Jr. [Monday] afternoon. He’s comfortable with where we’re at. He’s comfortable if council decides that they would like to have legal representation to start that annexation agreement document, again that doesn’t mean we do anything, it just inches us forward, that he didn’t see anything that would prohibit that from going forward.”

Schlabaugh added that work sessions like this gives everyone an opportunity to ensure they are on the same page. The next formal meeting will be the Kalona City Council at City Hall Monday at 7 p.m.