FFA members from the KCII-listening area have been collecting awards at the Iowa State Fair. For FFA Breeding sheep, the reserve dorest ram went to Carson Sprouse of Keota. In the FFA Breeding Swine show the champion Chester White Gilt belongs to Max Troyer of Kalona, the champion other breeds gilt is from Jacob Schlutz of Letts, and Larame Boysen of Columbus Junction had the reserve champion Yorkshire gilt.
In the FFA Floriculture Cole Davis of Mid-Prairie had the reserve champion rose and Mid-Prairie received the third place chapter award. The top vegetable container display was presented by Aubrey Fay of Wellman, she also was the reserve champion in jumbo vegetables and received the Reserve High Point Exhibitor Award in Horticulture. Mid-Prairie was first in the chapter awards for FFA Horticulture.
In the Market and Carcass FFA Lamb Show the reserve champion speckle face wether belongs to Taylor Sublette of Riverside. Max Troyer of Kalona hadthe reserve champion heavyweight barrow in the FFA Market Swine show. The Champion of all other breeds in the FFA Market Swine show went to Jacob Schlutz of Letts, Champion Duroc was of Tommy Pretz of Columbus Junction and he had the fifth overall purebred market hog.