Experts from around the State of Iowa will be in Washington County to share their knowledge of bioreactors and the importance of the monarch butterfly.
Rob Stout of Washington will be hosting a bioreactor and monarch habitat field day August 29th to share his success with his bioreactor system and monarch butterfly habitat. Holly Shutt from Pheasants Forever and Taylor Shirley from the Iowa State University Natural Resources Ecology team will also be offering their expertise.
ISU Conservation Outreach Specialist Liz Juchems tells KCII News events like this are important so experts can share the impact monarch butterflies have ecologically, “The monarchs are a key pollinator. We don’t usually think of them in that sense, but along with many other creatures, help us pollinate our different plants so we can continue to grow food, and fiber, and fuel here in the United States and elsewhere. Unfortunately, the monarchs are one of the creatures that are potentially threatened and endangered by loss of habitat.”
Juchems adds the field day will also educate people on what they can do around their home and farm to help the monarchs. The event will be at Rob Stout’s farm in Washington August 29th from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The event is free and will provide a complimentary meal. Because of the meal, please RSVP to Liz Juchems at 515-294-5429 or ilf@iastate.edu.