
Hillcrest Academy is gearing up for the start of a new era. The Ravens are starting their first athletic season under the new banner of Hillcrest Academy and purchasing new jerseys for the program with their mascot and name. To help with the process, administration is including the community who may like to have a piece of nostalgia to help usher in the change. Right now people are able to donate $100 to the Hillcrest Academy Athletic Department and purchase a jersey from the former Iowa Mennonite School. Jerseys from many different sports and eras are available. Hillcrest Academy Principal Dwight Gingerich spoke with KCII Sports about the opportunity. “We have talked about the idea of a uniform buy back fundraiser. People can make a donation and get a uniform. Maybe a uniform they wore in school, could be any sport. We are asking people donate $100 to do that. Kind of like how we built the performing arts center on campus and people were able to purchase a seat.”

To participate contact Hillcrest Academy Director of Advancement Jeremy Ours.