A water main in the city of Washington will be replaced this fall. At Tuesday’s Washington City Council meeting Mayor Jaron Rosien explained that this work will be done along South Avenue B and called it a “major problem area.” The replacement will be from Tyler to Van Buren Street, and City Administrator Brent Hinson said it has been in the City’s Capital Improvements Plan since at least 2002, “It’s definitely been an area we’ve been aware of for many years, you know, and it’s gotten worse in recent years. We’ve been trying to get it scheduled like the last five years as an in-house project. I think kind of the big thing holding it up is we actually have about six blocks, or maybe it’s five blocks, that need to be replaced and that’s a pretty big job for our maintenance crew and it’s a relatively busy street. But we’ve really got two blocks where the problem is really manifesting itself right now.” The work will be done for just under $30,000.