
After serving more than a quarter of a century, a volunteer for the City of Washington was recently recognized by the mayor. At the recent council meeting, Mayor Jaron Rosien presented a plaque to Don Pfeiffer, “It’s a great honor to present this plaque to you. I have a tremendous amount of respect for your work, Don. I know my late-grandfather who worked with you for many, many years similarly had a tremendous amount of respect. And the plaque reads, ‘In appreciation of more than 26 years of meritorious service rendered to the City of Washington, Iowa, Don Pfeiffer Washington Park Board is hereby recognized and commended this third day of September, 2019. Thank you from the City of Washington, Mayor Jaron Rosien, City Administrator Brent Hinson.'”

The city has a five-member appointed Park and Recreation Board with members serving four-year terms.