W2 Fuels biodiesel plant in Crawfordsville has stopped running production and is closing its doors. The facility has a capacity of up to 10 million gallons of biodiesel and had 16 employees. Roy Strom with W2 fuels tells KCII News that recent waivers “destroyed the price value” for ethanol. President Trump recently signed waivers from the Renewable Fuel Standard for oil refineries, and in doing so the demand for ethanol plummeted.
Iowa Representatives Dave Loebsack, Cindy Axne, Steve King and Abby Finkenauer joined a 20- plus member bipartisan Congressional Biofuels Caucus in sending a letter to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler asking to restore the lost ethanol demand using federal waivers. Strom says they remain “hopeful” that promises to farmers are kept by the administration. He adds if the market improves and volume mandates are put in place, he is hopeful the Crawfordsville location will open back up.