
Highland High School students traveled to Iowa City for the 21st annual “Strengthening and Valuing Latinx Communities in Iowa” Conference on the campus of the University of Iowa. This event is coordinated by the Center for Diversity and Enrichment and the University of Iowa School of Social Work in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. More than 300 high school students from across the state attended the summit to listen to presentations and interact with other Latinx students to discuss obstacles within the community and share stories. The keynote speaker was Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez from Nashville, Tennessee, who works through storytelling to cover theories and heavy material. She has had more than 200 articles published online and launched the Latina Rebels platform in 2013. Attending from Highland were Alan Cortes, Jose Jimenez, Joy Castaneda, Shantall Avendano, Arianna Arciga, Joanna Arciga, Nayeli Jimenez, ELL instructor Cassandra Goodwin and para educator Maria Marin.