Eleven Iowans have applied with the State Judicial Nominating Commission to fill the vacancy on the Iowa Court of Appeals that will occur when Judge Amanda Potterfield retires December 25, 2019. The commission will meet Tuesday, October 29, 2019, in the Iowa Supreme Court Courtroom to interview the applicants for the vacancy. Immediately following the interviews, the commission will begin deliberations to select a slate of three nominees from the group of applicants. Once the commission selects its slate of nominees, the commission will forward those names to the governor. The governor will then have thirty (30) days in which to appoint the new judge. Two candidates are from our listening area, Myron Gookin, District Court Judge, Eighth Judicial District, Fairfield, and Craig Nierman, Attorney, Phelan, Tucker, Mullen, Walker, Tucker & Gelman, L.L.P., of Iowa City.