
The windows of the Washington Public Library will again travel back in time and become a radio booth from the 1940’s this holiday weekend. The library is teaming up with the Washington Community Theater and KCII Radio to present a live radio play. This is the fourth year for the event and Director Chris Hanson says it’s becoming a new tradition in town, “So people can actually sit out, bring their lawn chairs, blankets, or stand and watch the show as we perform it live, and listen to it live on KCII Radio. It’s actually broadcast over loudspeakers as we’re performing it, so people can stand out. Last year, I think we had well over 100 people. And knock on wood, we have had really pretty decent weather every year for the first three shows that we’ve done and we’re hoping that we have the same this year.”

This year they are presenting The Bishop’s Wife, which is about a Bishop who is obsessing about building a new cathedral and has lost focus on his marriage, and they’re struggling and they’re visited by an angel who helps them realize the importance of relationships with loved ones. The show was remade into the movie The Preacher’s Wife in 1996.

And if you are out of town and can’t see the show live, don’t worry because you can hear it live on air on KCII. It will be broadcast on AM and FM KCII, on our website, and on our free mobile apps. Audience members have tuned in as far as Germany in years past. The show begins at 5 p.m. Saturday, November 30th.