
When getting a live Christmas tree to decorate your home for the holidays there are some factors to keep in mind. Horticulture specialists with Iowa State University offer tips to make the most of your fresh tree. Before you go to get your tree, choose a place in your home to put it that is away from heat sources that can dry out your tree. Look for a tree with a straight trunk, so it’s easier to set up in the stand. They recommend a couple of ways to check the freshness of a cut tree: gently run your hand over a branch and if it’s a fresh tree the needles will be pliable. Another test is to bounce the tree on the ground and if it drops many needles that’s indicative of a dry tree. Make a fresh cut at the base of the trunk if more than eight hours have passed since the tree was cut. That cut should be half an inch and then place the tree in the stand. Keep the reservoir full of water and the tree away from heat sources.