
Senator Elizabeth Warren brought her Fair Share Road Show to Washington Sunday morning. Over 150 people attended the Presidential hopeful’s event at the Washington Middle School. Warren said that corruption needs to be addressed. The Senator from Massachusetts discussed how, if elected, she would phase in Medicare for All and fund it with a wealth tax, saying she has a plan for that, “Okay, the first $50 million is free and clear, but on your $50-millionth-and-first dollar you’ve got to pitch in two cents and two cents on every dollar after that. And once you hit a billion you pitch in a little more. Right? Okay, so that’s the basic idea, just so everybody gets this. Anybody in here own their own home or grow up in a family that owned their home? Okay, you’ve been paying a wealth tax forever, this is called a property tax. And all I’m saying is different, is for the top one-tenth of one percent, that’s how many people have fortunes above $50 million, their property tax, wealth tax should include not just the real estate, which is the biggest asset for most families, it should also include the stock portfolio, the diamonds, the Rembrandt.” That statement was received with applause.

She also discussed her plans for universal child care that would make it accessible for more families while improving wages for those who provide the care. While answering questions from the crowd, the former special education teacher who later became a law professor, discussed plans to address gun violence, housing needs, student loan debt, agriculture having resources for sustainable farming that can help the climate, access to education from pre-school to post-secondary including college and trade schools, and student loan forgiveness. Warren continued her tour across southeast Iowa in Ottumwa and Fairfield Monday.