Local residents have just under two weeks to have their voices heard by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources regarding local waterways. A 2018 study of waterways in southeast Iowa by the Iowa DNR highlighted several issues within the KCII listening area. They include turbidity issues in Lake Darling near Brighton, high levels of E. coli and other bacteria in the English River from Kalona to east of Riverside, high levels of E. coli and other bacteria and high levels of chromium in a 20-mile stretch of the North Skunk River in Keokuk County. As well as high levels of E. coli and other bacteria and a loss of native mussel species in the Iowa River through Louisa County, high levels of E. coli and other bacteria and an organic enrichment issue with low dissolved oxygen in Cedar Creek in Henry County, ammonia issues in Saunders Branch in Henry County, wastewater issues in Brush Creek tributaries in Henry County, and a recent fish kill caused by pesticides in South Big Creek in Henry County, low fish and invert IBI numbers with an unknown cause in Old Man’s Creek in Johnson County, high levels of E. coli and low numbers of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Iowa River in Johnson County, and a wastewater issue in Snyder Creek tributaries. Public comments are open on these issues through December 28th on the Iowa DNR website.