As the great Patches O’Houlihan once said, “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.” Well, time to put down the wrenches and try your hand at the one sport we all looked forward to playing in P.E., as Washington High School is set to host a Dodgeball tournament in January that is open to the public.  

The tournament at the high school will be played on Sunday, January 26th and all proceeds benefit the Washington Community School Physical Education Programs. There will be three leagues with middle school, high school, and adult divisions offered. Limited spots are available with the first eight teams to sign up for each division guaranteed participation. Each team must have eight to 10 players and it is a $50 cash buy-in. Admission for spectators is free and concessions are available.

The tournament will get underway at 2 p.m. at the high school. Participation forms can be found at the school’s website.