The grand prize winner of the KCII Caring Christmas Cash Call will be announced this Friday. Listen in at 8 a.m. to hear who wins $1,000. The Cash Call ran along with the 17th Annual KCII Caring Christmas Food Drive. KCII General Manager Joe Nichols explains that KCII works to help our communities, “Everybody likes to give and receive things, especially around the holidays, and we’ve found it a real pleasure to kind of turn aside from a lot of the hustle and bustle of everything and find a way to give back. We really do serve the community and this is just another extension of all the things that I think we do on a very consistent basis and it’s just a matter of helping people and doing the right thing.” During the Caring Christmas Cash Call listeners could call in and receive cash prizes with the chance to double it by answering trivia about area businesses. During that time $1,000 was awarded. Also, all items donated during the food drive will be given to local food pantries.