The goal is to never forget and educate youth on what happened on 9/11, that’s what organizer Carol Horning aims for as she brings a special exhibit to Washington this summer. The exhibit was at the Washington County Fair in 2018 and will return this July. Horning said the driver of the exhibit still rants and raves about Washington from when he brought the exhibit to town. Horning said she’d asked for people to help escort the semi from Ainsworth to Washington, but wasn’t sure what to expect, “And we walked outside and the whole entire parking lot of the Four Corners was full with fire trucks, and police officers, and motorcycles, and veterans. And he said the same thing, for a town this size he just couldn’t believe how this community came together. And you can see that, the patriotism lining the streets of Washington, it was like nothing I’ve ever seen. And one thing that I loved about this was that I think it really brought our whole entire county together, and I really appreciate that a lot.”
The exhibit is transported on a semi and expands for people to walk through and see artifacts and stories of those who experienced 9/11 in New York City. The exhibit has been updated since it was last in southeast Iowa. Horning is working to raise $10,000 to bring the exhibit to town. Anyone or any organization who would like to donate can contact Horning or the Washington County Fair Board.