The 2020 Caucuses are right around the corner, and county leaders are pushing people to go out and participate. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, only fourteen percent of Iowa’s youngest voters, aged 17-29, participated in caucuses last election year. But, leaders around Washington County are hoping this year is a different story. Abe Miller, the District 3 chair for the Washington County Board of Supervisors, reminds citizens about the importance of caucusing regardless of political opinion, “Well for me the way I look at it is everybody has their point of view. Not everybody agrees. So if you have a different point of view, this is a good way to go out and support your point of view and caucus for the person you want to support. I think it’s very important that you go out and do that. It kind of shows the rest of the country that you are in favor of our processes that we have and you want to go out and support your favorite candidate.” Miller also notes citizens will be able to register as a Republican at caucuses if they are not already. For more coverage of caucus night, listen to KCII on February 3rd for live updates and final numbers as they come in from each precinct.