Five people died in Iowa from influenza-associated illness last week. Since October, there have been 17 influenza-associated deaths in the state, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health. Influenza activity is elevated and widespread. Last week, there were 41 influenza-associated hospitalizations, 21 schools with 10% or greater absence due to illness, and one long-term care outbreak in central Iowa.
Washington County Public Health Administrator Danielle Pettit-Majewski says an annual flu vaccine is recommended. She adds that many illnesses are spread in droplets when people sneeze and cough, so help prevent the spread, “Make sure that you are always covering your cough, coughing into your elbow not necessarily your hands to try to prevent just that type of spread, not just for RSV but for all sorts of viruses that are spread that way.” Remember to wash your hands frequently and stay home when you’re ill.
The proportion of outpatient visits due to flu-like illness was 2.78%. The regional baseline is 1.7%. Last week there were also 111 cases of RSV detected across the state.