The Iowa Senate and House have proposed allowable growth to State Supplemental Aid. The Senate proposed a 2.1% increase, while the House argued for a 2.5% increase. Senator Rich Taylor discussed his frustrations with it with KCII News, “A lot of kids are getting their teacher’s license and their certificates here in Iowa, but then they’re leaving the state. Our workforce is getting older, that includes our teachers, and as they retire out of the teaching profession and we are not willing to keep up in pay equity with other states, then kids have a pretty good debt for their education, they want to go somewhere where they’re making enough money to pay back their loans, and make a decent living for their family. It’s economic growth, and we want to keep growing in Iowa, and we’ve got to pony up and pay to keep our kids here.” The House attempted to amend the 2.1% increase in favor for a 3% increase, but was unsuccessful.