
Four people died from influenza-associated illness in Iowa last week, bringing the total up to 22 deaths in the state. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, the proportion of outpatient visits due to influenza is above the regional baseline and 33 schools across the state reported 10% or greater absence due to illness. One of those schools was in Henry County.

Washington County Public Health Administrator Danielle Pettit-Majewski said while people may be worried about Novel Coronavirus, they should be concerned about influenza, “That’s a greater threat to Iowans and we are seeing more deaths from seasonal influenza. And so, just to remind people that the best way to protect yourself is to get a flu shot. Also, whether you’re trying to protect yourself from a coronavirus fear or from influenza, the best way to do it is to wash your hands, cover your cough, and to stay home when you’re sick.”

There were 72 people hospitalized last week due to flu, six were under the age of four and 36 were over 50 years old. Last year, the peak of influenza-associated patient visits in Iowa was in early March.