One pin was the difference from the Washington bowling team crowning a Southeast Conference champion, as Ethan Zieglowsky was barely edged in Saturday’s conference tournament in Fairfield.

The sophomore tallied a two-game score of 462 to finish runner-up just behind Keokuk’s Reese Krebill with a 463. Other Demon scoring included Drake Schluetter 373, Liam Eldridge 259, and Aidan Miller 230. Baker scores included 71, 80, 101, 148, and 76. Washington was fifth as a team with 1,800 pins and the Chiefs took home the title with 3,003.

The Demon girls shot a 2,342 to place second while Keokuk won it all with 2,974. Rylie Swart recorded a two-game score of 325 to placed eighth overall. Other Demon results include Dawsen Schluetter 307, Taylor Janecek 287, Leigha Heisdorffer 274, Taylor Northup 271, and Katie Donnelly 270. Baker scores included 123, 129, 110, 126, and 128.

The girls close the regular season 10-21 while the boys are 1-30. The Demons have their biggest tournament of the year today when they travel to Cedar Rapids for the state qualifier.
