
The winter season in Iowa can be grueling, not only for travel, but also your body. Exercising outdoors can become tough when snow and ice are covering the roads and sidewalks. Yet, there are ways to stay fit during the winter. JET Physical Therapy Co-Owner Eric Turner tells KCII News that bodies experience more issues when they’re sedentary, “In the months we’re not out and about as much, we are more sedentary, sitting, not outdoors walking in the nice weather, or working in the yard. As those weeks build up on top of one another later in the winter time like February, early March you start to see more conditions related to back pain, neck pain, just because the joints are becoming stiff. Muscles are tight and that’s starting to leave different conditions. Those things are pretty easy to take care of. So, we’d like to be able to prevent those by finding ways to be more active during the winter.” Turner suggests doing regular house chores and moving around indoors to prevent such injuries. The American Heart Association suggests individuals try different indoor activities such as bowling, yoga, and dancing to stay active and healthy.