
A new education bill has passed the first funnel in the Iowa legislature and it could give teachers more authority to handle disruptive students. The bill would allow for the removal of a rowdy student in order to not halt the normal flow of classroom learning. Senator Rich Taylor tells KCII News how this bill can help teachers and students, “I think it’d be better to remove the kid causing the problems and get them into a safe and stable environment where they can be calmed down. So, this will give the teachers the right to actually remove them and not giving them the right to beat them up. While people said that it would be too much force to use, and I don’t believe that for a second. Just by ignoring the problem, it’s not going away. And in the school it’s very disruptive because you’ve got 20 kids, probably close to 30, trying to learn and one of them is being disruptive. It’s not fair to those 29 kids who are trying to learn to just disrupt their time and their day.” The bill would apply to all grade levels, from Kindergarten to high school seniors, and would also allocate funds for quiet spaces for disruptive students.