The Voxman Music Building at the University of Iowa was packed with 125 high school students, and some familiar faces were on stage. Mid-Prairie and Lone Tree both saw students participating in this event, with Lone Tree sophomore Abbie Nason being one of them. She represented her school and her talents during the Hawkeye Honors Music Festival. Band director Hannah Ball described the time crunch both her and Abbie dealt with to prepare for the concert, “We also had going on an in house solo festival here at Lone Tree and she was also preparing a solo for that at the same time. So she performed her solo on Thursday and then she performed at this honor band this past weekend. The biggest challenge was her finding the time to practice all of her music and be prepared for everything and we squeezed in some extra lessons here and there to have an opportunity to work together.” Nason plays the alto saxophone. Students are selected by the most needed instruments for the band and based on their application which has them list other honor bands they have been apart of.