
Remember to turn your clocks ahead an hour tonight as Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday. There is a measure in the state legislature to establish Daylight Saving Time as permanent. State Representative Jarad Klein says that after hearing from constituents about the issue, he introduced House File 2059 this session, “Primarily it’s from a lot of parents, but other folks as well. I’ve had some people give me information that actually showed some of the actual health consequences in some cases of changing of the clock. And it doesn’t necessarily come down to keeping daylight permanent or going the other way permanently, it just really comes down to a lot of times people don’t want to continue changing their clock.”

House File 2059 was approved by subcommittee and has been recommended for passage by the Committee on State Government. Klein says that if approved, it’d be contingent on neighboring states also ending Daylight Saving Time so there’d be continuity with time zones.