Seven people from Johnson County are among the first presumptive positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus in Iowa. As of Monday, the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory has indicated eight total presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 in Iowa. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, all have been related to travel and seven were on the same Egyptian cruise. All are recovering at home in isolation. On Monday, Governor Kim Reynolds signed a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, which activates the disaster response and recovery aspects of the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Iowa Emergency Response Plan. This authorizes state agencies to use resources including personnel, equipment and facilities to prevent, contain and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 virus.
Washington County Public Health Director Danielle Pettit-Majewski shares how people can help protect themselves and those around them, “It’s washing your hands for 20 seconds, you can either sing Happy Birthday twice or I have been singing the chorus to Landslide, because sometimes you need to switch it up. But wash your hands, soap and water, that’s really all you need. You do not need to stockpile hand sanitizer. I mean, I also want to stress to people that we do not want people to panic. You do not need to wear a mask in the general public. I advise against that because they are difficult to find for healthcare professionals and those resources will be needed for people who are caring for the sick. So, there’s no need for the general public to be wearing a mask.” Contain illness by staying home when you’re sick and be sure to cover coughs and sneezes. She adds avoid touching your face, and clean high traffic touched areas like doorknobs, light switches, phones, and counter tops.
If you do have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath, it’s recommended that you call your healthcare provider to set up a time to be seen. Pettit-Majewski says people planning to travel should check the Centers for Disease Control for updated lists of travel guidelines for certain countries.