Community spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been identified in Iowa and assistance for workers and employers impacted by layoffs related to COVID-19 were announced Monday by Governor Kim Reynolds. If someone is laid off due to the virus or has to stay home to self-isolate, care for family members due to illness related to COVID-19, they may receive unemployment benefits if they meet all other eligibility requirements. Those requirements include working for wages from an employer that you’ve worked for in six of the last 18 months and you’ve earned at least $2,500. Claims that are filed and identified as a direct or indirect result of COVID-19 will not be charged to employers. Iowa Workforce Development will process unemployment insurance payments to ensure payment continues in a timely manner. It will take seven to 10 days after a claim for someone to expect to receive payment.
Washington County Public Health Director Danielle Pettit-Majewski explains what that is, “Really the best thing that we can suggest right now is social distancing however possible. So social distancing does not necessarily mean quarantine unless you are under orders, but maintaining about a six-foot contact from others, especially as you’re out and about.”
Also, slow the spread of illness by washing their hands frequently with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes, staying home when ill, reducing activities overall, and encouraging staff to telecommute.