
The City of Kalona has announced various businesses in the city will be offering delivery services to help during social distancing. The City, JW’s Foods, and various churches are partnering to provide free delivery services. Citizens can send their grocery list to JW’s Foods by phone call or email and someone within the three entities will gather the items from the list and deliver them. There is no delivery fee. City Administrator Ryan Schlabaugh says the city and businesses are learning how to handle this situation day by day, “I’d like to say there’s a perfect roadmap for what we, as communities, are going through. You take the best precautions you can, you learn from it as stuff comes out. For example we had anticipated doing some curbside pick-up for library books and as more information came out, it just didn’t lend itself to do that. It wasn’t in the best interest of everybody. We reacted, the library reacted, and we shut that down and are not offering that. It’s unfortunate, but the signs dictate that we shouldn’t.” Other Kalona businesses offering delivery services include the Kalona General Store, The Eatery and Casey’s General Store.  A full list of businesses within Kalona that are offering carry out and curbside pickup options can be found in this article.

Carry Out/Curbside Pickup locations

Kalona Coffee House

Alexandros Pizza and Gyros

Hard Luck Cafe

Kalona General Story and Eatery

JW’s Foods

Tequila Grill

Kalona Brewery

Best of Iowa

Golden Delight

One to One Pharmacy

Casey’s General Store



JW’s Foods and Deli

Kalona General Store and The Eatery

Casey’s General Store



Tuscan Moon Grill on Fifth


Normal Hours

Community County Store

Central Discount
