
The City of Riverside will upgrade their electronic speed signs to have the ability to collect speeding data. Before, the city did not have the ability to pull information from the signs to better petrol an area where motorists were exceeding speed limits. City Clerk Becky LaRoche tells KCII News how these signs will better equip the city to combat speeding, “I mean it’s not going to give individual license plate numbers, but it will tell us what time of the day what’s happening, and how many so that we can correspond with Washington County Sheriff’s Department and say, ‘Hey, we need coverage here,’ which is probably the same in every city. But if they can rotate around, and they do that now. They go to different cities and spots, but if we can tell them what time our hotspots seem to be then it would only take a few days of cracking down and you would think they’d slow down.” LaRoche says the changes will be implemented by April.