Updates to COVID-19 plans and a waste water project were discussed during Monday’s Highland School Board meeting. The school announced that they put together 1,100 bags of food that will be distributed to students and are finding ways to communicate and keep in touch with families and students. Elementary Principal Jane O’Leary told the board there is a lot of anxiety from the students but the family interaction has been fantastic. Superintendent Ken Crawford said they cannot grade students or force them to do work at this time, while also applauding the work the staff have put in so far during their closure. The board also received an update on their wastewater project from HR Green Engineer Matt Wildman. He is looking at regionalizing the waste water to a nearby community such as Riverside and presented the costs of doing so. Wildman says one option would cost $510,000 while another more expensive option would cost $1.4 million. The board originally discussed a SAGR system that would cost an estimated $880,000. Discussions with an engineer at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Wildman will occur soon and another report will be brought to April’s board meeting.