The University of Iowa’s Mobile Clinic has been a source of free basic health care for citizens around southeast Iowa and it’s moving online to keep serving people. With the growing concerns of the novel coronavirus, the Mobile Clinic has cancelled all in person events and has moved it’s services digitally to telehealth. Now, those who use the service can call or video call the clinic to set up appointments to get refills on chronic medicine, talk to health care providers about COVID-19-like symptoms, and connect to mental health counselors, all for free. Executive Director Joyce Wahba tells KCII News the initial reactions the new telehealth clinic has garnered, “Things have been going pretty well. There is a ton of interest from our side in terms of the students. They’re all super willing to help. We’ve had undergrad be the main ones advertising and reaching out to the people in the community. Then we had our clinical students, so students in medical, PA, or MP programs, they’re the ones who actually are able to run the interviews themselves with the patients. Since all medical students across our country are no longer in clinical rotation seeing patients, this has been really huge on our end to be able to still have patient contact and be able to help these people. From the patient side of things, it’s been kind of a slow start, but we’re ramping up slowly. So we’ve been able to help quite a few patients this past week, and we are hoping to kind of expand and actually start advertising to the entire state of Iowa. We have the capabilities, we have the manpower behind it. We want to be able to reach all four corners of the state.” To set up a digital appointment call or text (319) 535-2684 or visit www.iowamobileclinic.org.