The City of Riverside is providing ways for citizens to create a payment plan for late utility bills for April. This is an effort by the city to ease citizen’s financial tensions during the COVID-19 outbreak. City Administrator Christine Yancey tells KCII News how the city will handle late notices and fees for the foreseeable future, “At the current time, we haven’t been doing any shutoffs, but we’re going to be waiving our late notices and penalties till May 15th. However, everyone needs to call in and set up a payment plan because after May 15th, unless this pandemic continues on, which I’m having high hopes and faith that it doesn’t, then we will go back to our normal procedures.” If late bills are not paid by May 21st, citizens will have 24 hours to pay the bill before a service disconnect happens. A $75 reconnection fee and the total bill must be paid to have the services reinstated. Applied late fees total 10 percent of the past due amount, or a minimum of $3. Bills can be paid via mail, dropped off at the city hall dropbox, auto payment with a debit card, or with credit card online. To set up a payment plan contact Yancy at 319-648-3501.