Around the nation, April is celebrated as National Autism Awareness Month, and Iowa’s State Treasurer Michael Fitzgeraldwanted to shine some light on one of the state’s programs. The Iowa Achieving a Better Life Experience program, also known as IAble, is a tax-advantaged savings plan for individuals with disabilities to give them the power to achieve their own versions of a good life. Fitzgerald says the money saved can be used for various disability-related expenses such as housing, assistive technology, legal fees, transportation and more. Iowans who are not disabiled are still able to contribute to this program. Iowa taxpayers who contribute to an IAble account are able to deduct up to $3,439 dollars from their 2020 state taxes, including the account owner. In total, IAble has $4.4 million in assets and over 700 accounts. Individuals and families looking to open an IAble account can visit www.iable.gov for more information on how to register.