Within the 10-15 year plan for the Shiloh annexation includes room for various Kalona City projects, one of those projects could see a brand new nature center built. Conservation Executive Director Zach Rozmus talked with one of the directors of the Shiloh project and discussed the development of a small nature center or rental facility. Rozmus tells KCII News his excitement for the facility and what the next steps look like, “So that’s kind of exciting. It’s something they’re wanting to use their proceeds to kind of pay and orchestrate that out. They want it to be a nice building and want it to be educational oriented and also appreciation for our involvement. I said it’s something we would definitely be interested in. What they want to do next is they’d like to form some type of committee to talk about that. We can determine a location, what we want the building to look like. It’s nothing that’s going to happen tomorrow, but this is kind of the beginning stages. I don’t know really how you say no to something along those lines with the possibilities that are surrounding that.” Rozmus says those in charge of the Shiloh development project would finance this new building. While no plans have officially been put into motion, Rozmus believed this project will greatly benefit the conservation board and those future residents to the 200 acres of Shiloh.