While contingency plans are being crafted for what to do to combat COVID-19, one Wellman firefighter is in a different kind of fight. Glenn Rowe has served on the Wellman Fire Department since 1988 and has seen his son and grandson follow in his footsteps, but he is now facing a difficult battle with cancer. After three separate surgeries, Rowe and his family have incurred pricey medical bills on top of normal living expenses. Wellman Fire Department Secretary Treasurer Tracy Owens and the whole department wanted to hold a fundraiser event to help Rowe, but due to current COVID-19 guidelines restricting gatherings of more than 10 people, the fundraiser will be open for donations. Owens tells KCII News about Rowe’s character within the fire department, “Glenn is just kind of a silent fixture. If we’re having a fish fry, he’s down there and one of the first guys knee-deep in frying fish or mixing batter. He’s one of the first guys at our pancake breakfast. He’s one of those guys who’s back in the trenches in the kitchen. He’s not out there in the midst of a crowd. He’s not the public relations guy. Glenn’s just been that guy that he does his job.” Owens believes the City of Wellman will do a great job to help out Rowe and his family. Monetary donations can be mailed to the Wellman Fire Department (at 95 3rd Street, Box 96, Wellman Iowa, 52356 (leave online but don’t read that address on air)) or can be dropped off at Westside Auto in Wellman.