As Iowans try to find ways to get outside during the COVID-19 outbreak, one safe outdoor activity is to go fishing. While campgrounds have been closed by the governor, open areas such as lakes and trails remain open for the public to enjoy at a safe distance. Washington County Conservation Executive Director Zach Rozmus says fishing is a great activity to practice social distancing while enjoying time outside. Rozmus tells KCII News about some of the conservation owned areas that are great for fishing, “Right off of 218 we have several properties that we manage. Foster Pond which is in the southeast corner of Washington County which is a great fishing location especially for largemouth bass. That’s one that a lot of people don’t even know that we manage down at that location because you blink and you drive right past it. Crawford Pond, which is just north of there, just outside of Ainsworth, and that’s also along 218. That’s one of our larger ponds that we manage and that has a really diverse fish population.” Rozmus also recommends the Schmitter Heritage Area, which is located outside of Brighton. He also reminds anglers that a fishing license is required to be able to fish. Individuals over the age of 16 must have a license to fish. Licenses can be purchased on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources website. https://www.iowadnr.gov/fishing/buy-your-license