Wastewater was discharged near Ainsworth after a sewer line was clogged with paper and wipes. According to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the City of Ainsworth reported a wastewater discharge shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday. The discharge began about 6 p.m. Tuesday and ended at about 10 a.m. Wednesday. A contractor had to unplug paper and wipes from the sewer line. An estimated 1,000 gallons per hour of untreated wastewater flowed into the North Branch of Long Creek. That equals an estimated 16,000 gallons.
The DNR cautions residents to keep children and pets away from the creek and the area north of Railroad and First Streets in Ainsworth for the next 48 hours. People are reminded to only flush toilet paper and waste down toilets. Other products like flushable wipes, baby wipes, paper towels and tissues can block sewer pipes or filters are treatment plants.