As government-issued stimulus checks are beginning to be deposited into individuals’ bank accounts, some questions about the payments may still linger. Electronic payments were posted to bank accounts this week, and two more waves of payments are expected to be sent out within the next two weeks. Washington State Bank Vice President and Operations Officer Jim Mostek says if the Internal Revenue Service does not have banking information on an individual, physical checks will be sent to mailing addresses in the coming weeks. Mostek tells KCII News what people should do if they are having troubles receiving these payments or physical checks, “At this point and time, what they need to do is go to the IRS website. There are a number of places there where they can check on their payment or provide information to the Internal Revenue Service. In situations where they have not filed a tax return over the last couple of years there’s really very little that the financial institution can do because we don’t know what’s coming and we don’t know what our customers’ personal income tax return filing status is. Some people need to file and do, other people have no need to because they don’t make enough income. The bank has no way of helping them out in this case. We can check to see if a payment came through, and we are happy to do that, but if nothing is coming through, there is very little the bank can do.”
Mostek says if a customer’s bank account is closed, the payment will be sent back to the IRS. At Washington State Bank, he has heard of a few payments put into inactive bank accounts, but most accounts are open and receiving payments. Customers who have any issues with their bank accounts or want to open a new account to be able to receive their stimulus check payment should get a hold of their respective financial institutions.