April is National Poetry Month and the Washington Public Library is celebrating the observance. Programming has been moved to a digital platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations for social distancing. Washington Public Library Director Bryna Walker tells KCII News who the special guest will be, “And our host will be Nora Miller from the Iowa Writers Workshop. She is a poet from New York City, but she got her MFA through the University of Iowa from the Iowa Writers Workshop. And she we will be giving a presentation on craft the first hour, and then writers’ submissions during the second hour.”
The program will be held 10 a.m. to noon on Friday (4/24). Any teenagers or adults in the community are welcome to take part in the event via Zoom. To sign up for the workshop call the library or email librarian LeAnn Kunz at leann.kunz@washington.lib.ia.us.