The COVID-19 outbreak has created some concerns in the food and supply chains as temporary food processing plant closures and low agriculture market prices become apparent. Iowa State Extension Food Systems Program Manager Courtney Long knows making and getting food has become difficult, but she’s seen great efforts to get food out to the public. She tells KCII News about the efforts seen around the state to continue food distribution, “I think there’s some really great examples. Some of our local food hubs, online grocers, cooperatives are supporting local farms that have really stepped up to provide food in different ways. Whether that be through virtual programs or you can get on and buy food for the week and it gets delivered to your door. There’s some great examples of those food hubs working with local schools and still sending out breakfast and lunch options for families. There’s great examples around the state in that regard of distribution and figuring out new technologies for increasing their sales.”
Long says individuals have expressed the want to support their local businesses and farmers, which she believes is a great thing to come out of the pandemic.