The Iowa Arts Council has put their foot forward to help individual artists and non-profit arts organizations during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Iowa Arts and Culture Emergency Relief Fund was created to provide short term financial support to those in the arts, cultural and creative industries who have been impacted by state disaster declarations, natural disasters, and other forms of emergencies. The first round of funding was distributed in response to COVID-19, and three individual local artists were awarded assistance. Fonziba Koster, also known as Theresa Koster, of Fairfield; Nicholas Naioti of Fairfield; and Mary Swander of Kalona all were recipients of the $1,000 grant award. This funding is meant to serve as a bridge between severe financial loss and state and federal public assistance. A second round of funding will be open to eligible recipients from April 24th to May 1st. This round will apply specifically to Iowa non-profit arts and cultural organizations who are struggling to maintain jobs and or facilities.