For the final time as a statewide effort, lights were turned on at high school stadiums on Friday night for #LightUpIA, the movement started up by The Iowa High School Athletic Directors Association.
Last week the lights went on to recognize the loss of the 2020 spring sports season and closures of school for the remainder of the academic year. Stadiums shined bright starting at 8:20 p.m. Friday, or 20:20 military time, to honor the class of 2020. The lights were on for 25 minutes to represent 25 school days missed due to COVID-19 and fans were encouraged to watch from their vehicles.
Washington Baseball Head Coach Nathan Miller tells KCII Sports he was pleased Washington could be a part of the event. “This was a great idea to spotlight our seniors and student athletes that spend countless hours dedicating themselves to the various sports and extracurricular activities. They have had a lot of adversity this year and this was a great way to honor them and show we are thinking of them.”
The statewide movement went on for the last three Fridays in April.