Governor Kim Reynolds is reopening campgrounds across the state. The public will now be able to camp statewide. Lake Darling State Park Ranger Zach Haworth outlined what is expected of visitors as of Friday at Lake Darling, “They will be opened for camping. Our shower buildings are going to remain closed, however we do still have some pit latrines that will be available for use. Campers will need to be in their own self-contained unit. So whether that be a travel trailer or a camper with a bathroom inside or a tent with a portable toilet, things like that.” Washington County Conservation Director Zach Rozmus adds that playgrounds and outhouses will remain closed. He says at Marr Park campsite occupancy must at all times be fewer than 10 people and visitors are expected to maintain proper social distancing at all times. Campground staff will also take measures to maintain their health and safety by wearing gloves when handling money or registration slips, and wearing face masks when interacting with the public.